Sitio Da Torre Red Bourbon Natural

Supply Level:
SCAA Score:
Active Moisture:
Green Bean Moisture:
Packing Type:
Hermatic Liner:

Orgin Information

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Brazil, in eastern South America, covers almost half of the continent – making it the world's fifth largest country – and borders ten countries as well as the Atlantic Ocean. The northwest contains the vast Amazon Basin, backed by the Guiana Highlands. The center west is largely a flat plateau of Savannah and rock escarpments. The northeast is mostly semi-arid plateaux, while the east and south contain the rugged mountains and fertile valleys of the Brazilian Highlands and narrow, fertile coastal plains. The Amazon basin is hot, humid, and wet; the rest of Brazil is cooler and drier, with seasonal variations. The northeast is drought prone. Most Brazilians live in urban areas along the coast and on the central plateau, mainly Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Salvador. Brazil is well endowed with minerals and energy resources. Brazil is the world's largest producer of coffee and a leading producer of sugar, cocoa, soya beans, corn and beef. Timber production and fishing are also important. Brazil is a major producer of iron, bauxite and manganese ores, zinc, copper, tin, gold as well as oil and coal. Manufacturing accounts for a quarter of the national income. Industrial products include food, machinery, iron, steel, textiles, cars, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, refined oil, metal products and paper products. The coffee market corresponds to 2% of Brazilian GDP. The main exports are machinery, metallic ores, cars, metal products, coffee beans, soya products, electrical and electronic goods and orange juice. Despite its natural wealth and one of the worlds largest economies in the world, Brazil has a growing poverty gap. After the substantial growth on the beginning of this century, Brazilian economy has suffered with the political instability.